Senior Year (2021 - 2022)
Santa Fe Trail Mural
Santa Fe Trail Mural
Fall of my senior year of highschool, Friends of the Santa Fe Trail reached out to my International Baccalaureate Art class to see if anyone would be interested in painting a mural. I was quick to jump at the opportunity and organized a group of students to paint this football field sized bridge. After working on the design and layout with my art teacher, Jessica Martinez, I worked on figuring out how to fundraise for the materials. The Friends of the Santa Fe Trail helped to organize a donation system where each letter was sponsored. This allowed us to buy all of the paint we needed. We starting painting in the spring and finished a few days after graduation. This project was the focus of my Girl Scout Gold Award, as I was able to continue care of the mural and ensure its protection with a graffiti protective layer. This mural is meant to help beautify the trail by discouraging graffiti and welcoming people to an entrance of the trail.
Started with a blank bridge wall.
Ribbon cutting ceremony